
A Terrible But Necessary First Post Direct From Oxford

Ok, bear with me. It's been two very long days. Or has it been three?

Instead of giving you a lengthy narrative of my half-conscious journey over the Atlantic Ocean, I'll just give you a brief, down and dirty overview: said good-bye to parents (sad), said good-bye to cat (very sad), got on a plane (impatient), finally landed in London (exhausted), got on a bus (dizzy), got off the bus (confused), got in a cab (relieved), listened to the cab driver tell me all the best places to make "fit lads" take me on dates (amused), arrived at house (excited), opened door with SKELETON KEY (really really excited), met flatmates (delighted), took nap (zombie), woke up (achy), unpacked (satisfied), got back in bed (whimpering), woke up and it's dark (nauseous), chugged water (first mistake), decided to get dinner with beautiful flatmates (second mistake), began power walk in the freezing cold rain (not feeling so hot), threw up in neighbor's bush (unexpected!), apologized to extremely friendly flatmates (embarrassed), laughed it out with extremely friendly flatmates (comforted), walked to pub with even-more-lovely-than-before flatmates (shocked), watched a full grown man trip onto a piano while carrying three full pints of beer (less embarrassed), went back to flat and beautiful bed (slightly homesick).

Sorry, I hope that all of my posts won't resemble beat poetry. Obviously, you can tell my first day was far too glamorous for complete sentences.

Today was orientation, and though it was a very long day, I definitely feel like I am more informed about my living situation.  I also got a very "irreverent, light-hearted, satirical" overview on the Royal Family from a Politics professor who must be nothing short of a local celebrity.  He was better than stand-up.

My classes don't start for another week, but in the meantime, I have to attend formal dinners (bring it on) and learn how to access the underground library (and contain my squeals of excitement). I probably walked about five miles just today, but am really looking forward to just wandering around and getting hopelessly lost.  The only roads I have managed to work out are Ferry Hinksey (where I live), and the several roads that lead to High Street.  The streets here change names at every intersection, so it's going to take a while to memorize where everything is.  One of my goals is to avoid taking the bus as much as possible so that I get a lot of exercise and get to know the city better. We'll see how that goes.

I am also having trouble deciding if I want to try to join a club here. I'd love to do some singing, but obviously want to write only great works of groundbreaking literature for all of my tutorials. And go dancing more. A whole lot of us went out for Michele's birthday tonight and it was ... interesting.  British boys seem to be far more comfortable with their sexuality than American boys.  Or they are all actually dating each other.  Which is fine! And (I cannot tell a lie) pretty hilarious to watch.

It's definitely bed time.  I have some serious grocery shopping to do in the morning!
Was this post too personal? Do I really care what you think?  Oh well, hopefully I will actually keep this blog up and it won't join its five other deceased blog siblings.

Well, until next time, chums!