
Tripping on Cobblestones

First, another tour via some pictures I took my first (and pretty much only sunny) day of exploring, which was one week/a thousand years ago:
A view of the Thames, which I pass every time I walk down Botley Road into the City Centre.

A look down Broad Street along Temple College. You can see theSheldonian Theatre where I will be singing Brahm's Requiem with the Oxford University choir in March!
This has nothing to do with my education. I just really like it.

The theatre again and some of my classmates. Just kidding, it's a Japanese tour group.


I found this before I found my college.

When someone told me that this is called "The Bridge of Sighs," I got a little concerned. I'd like to think the sighs are more relief driven, though. The walk to Hertford can be crummy in the rain.

There's a handprint on one of the walls of my college!

This is the Radcliffe Camera. Why "Camera?" Probably because people take so many pictures of it. The inside is full of books. English books! That I read!

Lil bit o' irony.

This is where I go to school now. I even have a key that opens that big wooden door.

Bodleian Library! Where dreams come true!

Down this street live all my academic hopes and dreams. And a cat named Simpkins III. He lives in my college. We are friends.

This is the science college and their scary dead tree exhibit. I really don't pass by here much.

I ate lunch here and saw a whole bunch of dogs in sweaters.

This doesn't fit. At all.

Now this is pretty Oxford. We saw it on the way to "The Ballroom" which is a consignment shop that lets you rent tuxes and ball gowns! Just keep walking down High Street until you get to the circle. You'll know what I mean.