
A Tour

Welcome to 3 Ferry Hinksey!

You'll need a key to get in ..

.. As you can see, we have many locks.

Our new home: where coats are hung over the radiator with care. To the left is Rachel's room, and the second door to the left leads to the living room!.

Follow me through the living room, please.  I promise it will be decorated soon.  Don't you just love our fake fireplace? We have about five.
Turn to your left and you are in our lovely kitchen!

Katie with our first dinner :) And the bottle of wine that we STILL can't get open.

This is our broiler, which is next to the sink and above the washing machine (for clothes, not for dishes). The blue you're seeing is FIRE.

It kind of looks like people live here, right?

Now back through the living room and the door that is held open by a scale that only measures in "stones."

Now that we've gone up the stairs, you can see Michele's room, the half bathroom, and Katie's room!

This is the creepy hall closet, which comes before the full bathroom and my room.

Apparently, showers are a relatively new thing here.

If you pull the angel bear, the lights go on and off. When we walk out, my room will be to the right!

My windows look out onto the street.

It's hardly even messy yet! Brava! Also, check out my sweet fake fireplace. So cozy.

I definitely don't feel like I live here yet, but I haven't felt this much like a human being all week. Maybe because it was FINALLY sunny today!

I am constantly discovering differences between here and D.C. Crossing the street is such a task - no matter how many times I remind myself to look both ways, I never seem to be graceful about it. Traffic comes from all sorts of unexpected directions and drivers are noticeably aggressive. The director of my program told me that the driving tests here are very difficult because drivers are expected to be able to hold their own on crazy roads.  There really isn't even any traffic. Everyone just drives fast and takes sharp turns.

Today I wondered if it is appropriate to carry coffee in a mug from home.  I've never given a second thought to it otherwise, but there are so many coffee vendors and small shops that I wonder if it could be taken offensively. Plus, I haven't seen a single person carrying a travel mug. I suppose it's because no one needs a travel mug because nobody is rushing around. We have already been warned that our tutors and advisors may show up late on a regular basis. Most of them don't have their own email addresses yet. After recovering from the panic of finding how slowly some things happen in this city, I have become incredibly grateful.  I hope my time here will teach me to breathe slower. And to start sitting down when I eat!

I can't wait to get my cell phone tomorrow so I can start contacting other people here and get to know everyone better. Once I get my college ID card I can start eating in Hertford's dining hall and hopefully force myself right into British culture. Just kidding. But I would like to make some friends around here.